Thursday, September 1, 2016

Starlet O' Hara In Hollywood

Published in 1949 Here's
Issue #3 Of Starlet O' Hara
In Hollywood With Artwork
That Looks A Lot 
Like Bob Oksner's Work.


  1. This was a fun comic. Moronica was the stereotypical dumb blonde but she showed an intelligence that would best be described as "Blonde intelligence" - as in her ideas seemed like good ideas even if they didn't appear that way to anyone else. Maybe she was an early version of Kelly Bundy form Married, With Children.

    Starlet O'Hara humorously showed how hard it was, and is, to break into show biz. The humor still works even all these years later, though the stories would need modern touches to fit into today's world (smart phones, digital camcorders, youtube and facebook site, etc.)

  2. Moronica seems a bit like Judy Holiday in Born Yesterday. These stories are a lot of fun and wonderfully drawn.
    I also do think these stories would work in todays world with a bit of tweaking though I'm not sure 'Moronica Miss Nit With of 1949" would fare too well in these times...but it is sorta funny.
