Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Thundering Herd

Great Art By Jay Scott Pike
On The Thundering Herd 
From From Issue #15 Of
Lorna The Jungle Girl
Published In 1955.



  1. The last panel of page 2 raises an interesting question on the art of vine swinging. The vine she is reaching for is already extended to a near-horizontal position. How? If she hasn't yet touched it, shouldn't it be vertical? Does Lorna mentally command the vine to swing itself in her direction? It's quite puzzling if you think about it.

  2. A pre-women's lib comic featuring a strong woman and a hapless man, I wonder what the great satan, A.K.A Dr. Fredric Wertham would have said about that.

  3. Both great questions....that I have no answer for.

    But Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!

  4. Had he stayed in the industry I bet Jay Scott Pike could have been an integral part of the Marvel Age of Comics. A terrific and versatile artist.
